In a culture that often prizes certainty and strength, the idea of vulnerability might seem out of place.
-> Here's the reality.
It's the concept of vulnerability that lays the foundation for trust and deep connections with our teams. Being vulnerable in communication isn't about airing personal grievances or showing weaknesses. It's about being honest when we're unsure, admitting mistakes, and being open to new ideas and perspectives.
The result?
Your honesty breaks down barriers, encouraging a culture where everyone feels seen and heard.
-> Here's one thing you can do today.
To integrate vulnerability into your daily communication, start by sharing your challenges and uncertainties related to a project or decision.
This doesn't mean expressing every doubt you have, but sharing one or two pertinent issues where you're seeking solutions or input.
This can be with your manager, or if it's more comfortable, find a colleague and ask for a quick chat. Bonus points, grab someone from your engineering team.
This approach not only humanizes you, but also opens the door for others to share their insights and support, which will foster a collaborative and supportive team environment.
Embracing vulnerability is not about forsaking professionalism. It's about enriching our connections with the team. By showing our genuine selves, we invite others to do the same, leading to a team that's not just efficient, but resilient and united in facing challenges.